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Travel information for ADAS Workshop 2008

The venue

Technologiezentrum Jülich GmbH
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str. 13
52428 Jülich
Note that the workshop will not be at the Forschungszentrum.
However the Pospieszczyk colloquium will be in the seminar room of the Institute of Energy Research, starting at 15:30.

Daily transport to and from the hotels to the meeting will be provided.

On Tuesday and Wednesday morning a bus will depart from the Hextenturm hotel at 8:20 and from the Kaiserhof hotel at 8:30. On Tuesday evening, after the dinner, it will return to Jülich at 21:00. Arrangements for Wednesday evening and Thursday will be given at the meeting.

The hotels

Two hotels will be used for the workshop:
Hotel Kaiserhof
Bahnhofstrasse 5
Am Schwanenteich
D-52428 Jülich / Rheinland.

Telephone: +49 (0) 2461 68 07-00 Fax:  68 07-77  


Hotel am Hexenturm
Grosse Rurstr. 94
D-52428 Jülich / Rheinland.

Telephone: +49 (0) 2461 97 060 Fax:  54684  


The Area

Map of Jülich and region

Map of local Jülich area

Travel to the Technologiezentrum by car

From Köln Take the A4 motorway (Cologne - Aachen) towards Dueren, turn right toward Jülich (onto B56), and after approximately 10km turn right onto L253, and follow the sign posts to the Technology Centre (TZJ).
From Aachen Take the A44 motorway (Aachen - Duesseldorf) towards Jülich west, at the first roundabout turn left toward Jülich, at the second roundabout take the B56 towards Dueren, turn left after approximately 5 km onto the L253, and follow the signs to the Technology Centre (TZJ)
From Düsseldorf Take the A44 motorway (Duesseldorf - Aachen) then either:
  1. Take Jülich East exit, turn right onto the B55n, after approximately 500m turn right toward Jülich, after 200m and before the radio antennae turn left, at the "Merscher Höhe" roundabout, turn left, pass the Campus of the Fachhochschule, keep straight along Brunnenstrasse, crossing Römerstraße, onto Wiesenstrasse and at the roundabout turn left into the Technology Centre (TZJ).
  2. Take the Jülich West exit, at the first roundabout turn left toward Jülich, at the second roundabout turn right towards Dueren (B56); after approximately 5km turn left onto L253, and follow the signs to the Technology Centre (TZJ).


Enter "Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str" or "Wiesenstr." as the destination. The centre is within a few hundred meters and is sign-posted from there.
Public transport
Use DB train to Dueren station. From there the Duerener Kreisbahn ("Rurtalbahn") to station "Jülich main station". From there turn right and the entrance to the technology centre is a 20 minutes walk
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