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History of ADAS

ADAS had its origin at the collaborative European fusion project, the JET Joint Undertaking, established near Oxford in the UK. The first plasma was formed in 1983. It was decided to establish a substantial theoretical capability for the support of spectroscopic analysis and modelling of the JET plasma. Several bold decisions were taken which included undertaking the theoretical atomic physics modelling in an experimental division. Atomic data and models would be assembled and organised for confrontation with spectroscopic measurements and diagnostic analysis. Source term data for plasma models would be exported to theory divisions from the experimental division. The experimental division would retain the centralised repository for atomic data - both fundamental and derived. Initial targets of study included impurity concentrations, radiative losses, core ion temperatures, influx of species from surfaces and the possibilities of the new charge exchange spectroscopy.

The approach proved effective and the computational tools and databases became highly organised and structured becoming known as ADAS. The ADAS system was based on a local IBM mainframe computer and access was restricted to the JET site. In the early nineties, a number of external fusion and astrophysical laboratories, IPP-Garching, FZ-Julich, IPF-Stuttgart, MPAE Katlenburg-Lindau, Rutherford Appleton and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, sought access to ADAS for their own experiments and upcoming satellites, especially SOHO. It was agreed to form a UNIX based ADAS with IDL as the graphical user interface to be called IDL-ADAS, which could be maintained over the internet. A consortium was formed to fund and oversee the development, called the ADAS Project. The University of Strathclyde implemented the preparation and conversion of IDL-ADAS under the guidance of the consortium and with the agreement of the JET Joint Undertaking. Conversion commenced in 1994 and was completed two years later.

Since 1996, the ADAS project has continued with the remit to maintain and develop IDL-ADAS on behalf of its members. The consortium has expanded to include the order of twenty active members spanning the whole world, including both large laboratories and university departments.

The ADAS Project is monitored by a steering committee formed from the consortium representatives. It holds an annual workshop and steering committee meeting to plan the ongoing developments of ADAS. The project supports a full time ADAS programmer/development officer.

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