Function adas.xxdata_15

def xxdata_15(file=None)

Reads an adf15 photon emissivity coefficients (PEC) file and returns all of its contents in a dictionary.


file : str
full name of ADAS adf15 file


fulldata : dict
contents of the adf15 file
    'a15file'     : adf15 filename
    'a04file'     : adf04 file name used to calculate adf15 data if available
    'a18file'     : adf18 file name used to calculate adf15 data if projection was used.
    'esym'        : emitting ion - element symbol (string)
    'iz0'         : emitting ion - nuclear charge
    'iz'          : emitting ion - charge (generalised to superstage label)
    'iz1'         : emitting ion - charge + 1 (generalised to superstage index= is + 1)
    'nptn'        : number of partitions in partition level
                    1st dim: partition level
    'nptnc'       : number of components in partition
                    1st dim: partition level
                    2nd dim: member partition in partition level
    'iptnla'      : partition level label (0=resolved root,1=unresolved root)
                    1st dim: partition level index
    'iptna'       : partition member label (labelling starts at 0)
                    1st dim: partition level index
                    2nd dim: member partition index in partition level
    'iptnca'      : component label (labelling starts at 0)
                    1st dim: partition level index
                    2nd dim: member partition index in partition level
                    3rd dim: component index of member partition
    'icnctv'      : connection vector of number of partitions
                    of each superstage in resolved case
                    including the bare nucleus
                    1st dim: connection vector index
    'cptn'        : text lines in partition block
                    1st dim: text line index
    'lres'        : True  => partial file
                  : False => not partial file
    'lptn'        : True  => partition block present
                  : False => partition block not present
    'lsup'        : True  => ss use of filmem field
                  : False => old use of filmem field
    'cwavel'      : wavelength string (angstroms)
                    1st dim: data-block index
    'ctype'       : data type string
                    1st dim: data-block index
    'cindm'       : metastable index string
                    1st dim: data-block index
    'wavel'       : wavelength (angstroms)
                    1st dimension: data-block index
    'isppr'       : parent index for each line block
                    1st dim: index of block in adf15 file
    'ispbr'       : base index for each line block
                    1st dim: index of block in adf15 file
    'isstgr'      : s1 for each resolved data block
                    1st dim: index of block in adf15 file
    'iszr'        : ion charge relating to each line
                    1st dim: index of block in adf15 file
    'nte'         : number of electron temperatures
                    dimension: data-block index
    'ndens'       : number of electron densities
                    1st dim: data-block index
    'te'          : electron temperatures (units: ev)
                    1st dim: electron temperature index
                    2nd dim: data-block index
    'dens'        : electron densities (units: cm-3)
                     1st dim: electron density index
                     2nd dim: data-block index
    'pec'         : photon emissivity coeffts
                    1st dim: electron temperature index
                    2nd dim: electron density index
                    3rd dim: data-block index
    'pec_max'     : photon emissivity coefft. maximum
                    as a function of Te at first Ne value
                    1st dim: data-block index
    'tran_index'  : transition index within adf04 file
    'power_rank'  : the rank by its contribution to
                    the total power


As different dimensions per block are possible, the multi-dimension arrays use the max value for pixels, number of temperatures and number of densities.

Calls a fortran based shared object file - not pure python.


ADAS manual description of adf15:

Version History

  • Martin O'Mullane, 22-08-2018

    • First version
  • Martin O'Mullane, 27-09-2018

    • Add adf18 expansion file name to fulldata.
    • Document all entries in fulldata.
  • Martin O'Mullane, 25-10-2019

    • Set a default of None for adf04 and adf18 files.


>>> import adas as adas
>>> file = '/home/adas/adas/adf15/pec96#li/pec96#li_pju#li1.dat'
>>> fulldata = adas.xxdata_15(file)
>>> fulldata.keys()
dict_keys(['a15file', 'a04file', 'a18file', 'esym', 'iz0', 'iz', 'iz1', 'nptn',
           'iptna', 'nptnc', 'iptnca', 'iptnla', 'icnctv', 'ndens', 'nte', 'dens',
           'te', 'ctype', 'cindm', 'cptn', 'wave', 'isppr', 'ispbr', 'isstgr',
           'iszr', 'lres', 'lptn', 'lsup', 'pec', 'pec_max', 'tran_index', 'power_rank'])
>>> fulldata['pec_max'][0:5]
array([2.04e-09, 2.22e-15, 3.95e-10, 3.31e-15, 1.67e-10])