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ADAS Subroutine Library adas1xx

  • Subroutine a1data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS101 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess and the the rest of the data as appropriate.
  • Subroutine a2data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS102 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess and the the rest of the data as appropriate.
  • Subroutine a3data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS105 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess and the the rest of the data as appropriate.
  • Subroutine a5data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS105 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess and the the rest of the data as appropriate.
  • Subroutine a6data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS106 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess and the the rest of the data as appropriate.
  • Subroutine a8afit: To analyse electron impact cross-section data and convert to rate coefficients
  • Subroutine a8amax: To perform Maxwellian averages of collision strengths for ADAS interpolative fit to neutrals
  • Subroutine a8data: To refresh a data index from an ADAS108 archive. Reads in the index code a-ADAS, b-Burgess/Summers and the the rest of the data as appropriate. 9-knot Burgess spline version
  • Subroutine a8gamg: To evaluate the incomplete gamma function gamma(a,x) based on numerical recipes
  • Subroutine a8gaml: To evaluate log (gamma (xx)) for xx >0 - based on numerical recipes
  • Subroutine a8gcf: To evaluate the continued fraction expansion for the incomplete gamma function gamma(a)*q(a,x) - based on numerical recipes
  • Subroutine a8gser: To evaluate the series expansion for the incomplete gamma function p(a,x) - based on numerical recipes
  • Subroutine a8optm: To find the best approximate form parameters for neutral atoms by varing the matching position.
  • Subroutine a8slv2: To find the approximate form parameters for a neutral atoms
  • Subroutine a8slvf: To find the approximate form parameters f2 and f3 for neutrals
  • Subroutine axetrd: To calculate the reduced energy for four types of transition
  • Subroutine axetrdv: To calculate the electron energy from the reduced energy for four types of transition
  • Subroutine axiups: To calculate a set of uspilons by interpolation of the Burgess five-point spline
  • Subroutine axltsq: To perform five point spline fit to reduced omegas or upsilons
  • Subroutine axomup: To interpolate omegas or upsilons for different transitions
  • Subroutine axoups: To calculate upsilons
  • Subroutine axourd: To calculate the reduced collision strength or reduced upsilon as a function of ej/eij or kte/eij for four types of transition
  • Subroutine axourdv: To calculate the collision strength or upsilon from the reduced collision strength or reduced upsilon for four types of transition
  • Subroutine axwups: To write data to an old/new archive in Burgess format
  • Subroutine burgfs: To provide Burgess general formula results at a series of temperatures, and also to produce Burgess general program results at zero density at the same temperatures.
  • Subroutine dnsort: To sort an array so that first input is in increasing order
  • Subroutine eight9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine etred: To calculate the reduced energy for four types of transition
  • Subroutine etred9: To calculate the reduced energy for eight types of transition
  • Subroutine etred9inv: To calculate the electron energy from the reduced energy for eight types of transition
  • Subroutine etredinv: To calculate the electron energy from the reduced energy for four types of transition
  • Subroutine five9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine four: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine four9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine lfasym: To provide a spline interpolate making use of specified asymptotic behaviour
  • Subroutine lfitsp: Subroutine to perform spline interpolation
  • Subroutine lgasym: Initialises common arrays required for splining with smooth fitting to an asymptotic form
  • Subroutine lgspc: Generate precursors of spline coefficients suitable for both forward and backward interpolation
  • Subroutine lsort: Sort an array so that first input is in increasing order
  • Subroutine lspij3: Calculate splines with various end conditions.
  • Subroutine lstsq: To perform five point spline fit to reduced omegas
  • Subroutine lstsq9: To perform nine point spline fit to reduced omegas
  • Subroutine maxw9: Gauss-Laguerre quadrature from Burgess' program omeups
  • Subroutine maxwell: Gauss-Laguerre quadrature from Burgess' program omeups
  • Subroutine nfasym: Provide a spline interpolate making use of specified asymptotic behaviour
  • Subroutine nfitsp: Perform spline interpolation
  • Subroutine ngasym: Initialises common arrays required for splining with smooth fitting to an asymptotic form
  • Subroutine ngspc: Generate precursors of spline coefficients suitable for both forward and backward interpolation
  • Subroutine nspij3: Calculate splines with various end conditions.
  • Subroutine omeups: To calculate upsilons
  • Subroutine omeups9: To calculate upsilons
  • Subroutine omup: To calculate upsilons for different transitions
  • Subroutine omup9: To calculate upsilons for different transitions
  • Subroutine one: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine one9: To calculate the nine Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine oured: To calculate the reduced collision strength as a function of ej/eij for four types of transition
  • Subroutine oured9: To calculate the reduced collision strength as a function of ej/eij for eight types of transition
  • Subroutine oured9inv: To calculate the collision strength from the reduced collision strength for eight types of transition
  • Subroutine ouredinv: To calculate the collision strength from the reduced collision strength for four types of transition
  • Subroutine qbchid: Evaluates a shell contribution to the ionisation rate coefficient in the Burgess-Chidichimo approximation MNRAS(1983)203,1269. excluding the threshold correction factor
  • Subroutine seven9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine six9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine sp5: To calculate a spline through the five knot points
  • Subroutine sp9: To calculate a spline through the nine knot points
  • Subroutine spfman11: Fit ionisation cross-section data with simple approximate forms and to calculate ionisation rate coefficients
  • Subroutine spfman12: Fit ionisation rate coefft. Data with simple approximate forms and to calculate rate at different temperatures.
  • Subroutine spfman5e: Analyse electron impact rate data and convert to rate coefficients
  • Subroutine spfman8hx: Graph and interpolate dielectronic recombination coefficients.
  • Subroutine spls: Compute 5-points cubic spline coefficients input: (r*8) xin - the point where the spline is to be evaluated
  • Subroutine spls9: Compute 9-points cubic spline coefficients input: (r*8) xin - the point where the spline is to be evaluated
  • Subroutine three: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine three9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine two: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine two9: To calculate the Burgess knot points
  • Subroutine ups: To calculate upsilons.
  • Subroutine ups9: To calculate upsilons.
  • Subroutine wupsilon: To write data to an old/new archive in Burgess format
  • Subroutine wupsilon: To write data to an old/new archive in Burgess format
  • Subroutine wupsilon9: To write data to an old/new archive in Burgess format
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