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ADAS Subroutine d8wzcd

         subroutine d8wzcd( iuntz     , iunty     , iunte   ,
     &                      lzcd      , lycd      , lecd    ,
     &                      itdimd    , iddimd    , 
     &                      izdimd    , iodimd    , imdimd  ,
     &                      itmax     , idmax     ,
     &                      dtev      , ddens     ,
     &                      iz0       , izl       , izu     ,
     &                      user      , date
     &                    )
C  ****************** fortran77 subroutine: d8wzcd *********************
C  purpose:  To create zcd, ycd and ecd files for unresolved baseline.
C  calling program: adas408
C  subroutine:
C  input : (i*4)  iuntz     = unit for zcd file output
C  input : (i*4)  iunty     = unit for ycd file output
C  input : (i*4)  iunte     = unit for ecd file output
C  input : (i*4)  iunte     = unit for ecd file output
C  input : (l*4)  lzcd      = .true.  => output zcd file
C                             .false. => do not output zcd file
C  input : (l*4)  lycd      = .true.  => output ycd file
C                             .false. => do not output ycd file
C  input : (l*4)  lecd      = .true.  => output ecd file
C                             .false. => do not output ecd file
C  input : (i*4)  itdimd    = maximum number of temperatures
C  input : (i*4)  iddimd    = maximum number of densities
C  input : (i*4)  izdimd    = maximum number of charge states
C  input : (i*4)  itmax     = number of temperatures
C  input : (i*4)  idmax     = number of densities
C  input : (r*8)  dtev()    = temperature set of tables (ev) - log mesh
C  input : (r*8)  ddens()   = density set of tables (cm-3) - log mesh
C  input : (i*4)  iz0       = nuclear charge
C  input : (i*4)  izl       = first included ion (=0 for neutral)
C  input : (i*4)  izu       = last included ion (=iz0 for bare nucleus)
C  input : (c*30) user      = producer
C  input : (c*8)  date      = date string.
C  routines:
C          routine    source    brief description
C          -------------------------------------------------------------
C          i4unit     adas      fetch unit number for output of messages
C          xxword     adas      parses a string into separate words
C          xxopen     adas      check existence and open a file
C          xxrmve     adas      removes occurrences of a char. in string
C          xxmkrp     adas      create the root partition text lines
C          xxslen     adas      finds the length of a string excluding
C                               leading and trailing blanks
C          xfesym     adas      fetch the chemical symbol of an element
C          xfelem     adas      fetch the name of an element
C          xxdata_00  adas      read an adf00 dataset
C author:  H. P. Summers, university of strathclyde
C          ja7.08
C          tel. 0141-548-4196
C date:    06/10/06
C version  : 1.1                          
C date     : 06-10-2006
C modified : Hugh Summers
C              - first version
C version  : 1.2                          
C date     : 16-01-2007
C modified : Hugh Summers
C              - adjustment to ecd part to include z1=0 quasi-state
C                for the neutral creation energy. Use new version of
C                xxdata_00.for to handle metastable resolved cases.
C version  : 1.3                          
C date     : 08-03-2007
C modified : Hugh Summers
C              - adjustment of first output file line to include adf no
C                and remove class from ion header lines.  
      CHARACTER*8         DATE
      CHARACTER*30        USER
      INTEGER             IDDIMD,      IDMAX,       IMDIMD,      IODIMD
      INTEGER             ITDIMD,      ITMAX,       IUNTE,       IUNTY
      INTEGER             IUNTZ,       IZ0,         IZDIMD,      IZL
      INTEGER             IZU
      LOGICAL             LECD,        LYCD,        LZCD
      REAL*8              DDENS(IDDIMD),            DTEV(ITDIMD)
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