ADAS Subroutine h4ftsp
C subroutine h4ftsp( istdim , & x , xa , n , yaa , y , dy , & i0 , c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , isw & ) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c **************** fortran77 subroutine: h4ftsp.for ********************* c c purpose: obtain the value from a spline interpolation c c calling program: various c c c input : (i*4) istdim = dimensionality for splining arrays c c input : (r*8) x = required x-value c input : (r*8) xa(i) = x-values c input : (i*4) n = number of values c input : (r*8) yaa(i) = y-values (possibly stored as multiple sets) c input : (i*4) i0 = starting index(-1) in yaa array of required input set c input : (r*8) c1(i,j) = 1st spline coefficient precursor c input : (r*8) c2(i,j) = 2nd spline coefficient precursor c input : (r*8) c3(i,j) = 3rd spline coefficient precursor c input : (r*8) c4(i,j) = 4th spline coefficient precursor c input : (i*4) isw = .le.0 ordinary spline interpolation c = .gt.0 logarithmic spline interpolation c c output: (r*8) y = returned y-value c output: (r*8) dy = returned derivative c c routines: c routine source brief description c ------------------------------------------------------------- c i4unit adas fetch unit number for output of messages c c author: Hugh P. Summers, University of Strathclyde c JA7.08 c Tel.: +44 (0)141-548-4196 c c date: 24 July 2002 c c c version: 1.1 Hugh Summers 24/07/02 c modified: first release c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER I0, ISTDIM, ISW, N REAL*8 C1(ISTDIM,ISTDIM-1), C2(ISTDIM,ISTDIM-1) REAL*8 C3(ISTDIM,ISTDIM-1), C4(ISTDIM,ISTDIM-1) REAL*8 DY, X, XA(ISTDIM), Y REAL*8 YAA(*)