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ADAS Subroutine h4mxwl

       subroutine h4mxwl( z0    , z      , zeff   ,  
     &                    ixtyp , acoeff , s      ,   
     &                    wi    , wj     , ei     , ej     , 
     &                    nx    , xa     , omga   , 
     &                    nt    , tea    , upsa   
     &                   )
c  **************** fortran77 subroutine: h4mxwl.for *********************
c  purpose:  analyse electron impact collision strength data and convert 
c  	     to Maxwell averaged collision strengths.
c  notes:    data is fitted with approximate forms to aid interpolation 
c            depending on the transition type. these are
c                 1. dipole                                             
c                 2. non-dipole                                         
c                 3. spin change                                        
c                 4. other                                              
c  subroutine:
c  input : (r*8)  z0       = nuclear charge
c  input : (r*8)  z        = ion charge
c  input : (r*8)  zeff     = ion charge +1
c  input : (i*4)  ixtyp    = 1  dipole transition   
c                          = 2  non-dipole transition    
c                          = 3  spin change transition       
c                          = 4  other         
c  input : (r*8)  wi       = lower level statistical weight    
c  input : (r*8)  wj       = upper level statistical weight     
c  input : (r*8)  ei       = lower level energy (in selected units)   
c  input : (r*8)  ej       = upper level energy        
c  input : (r*8)  acoeff   = A-value (s-1) (dipole case only)
c  input : (i*4)  nx       = number of X-parm/omega pairs         
c  input : (i*4)  nt       = number of output temperatures          
c  input : (r*8)  xa(i)    = input X-parm. values                          
c  input : (r*8)  omga(i)  = input omega values                         
c  input : (r*8)  tea(i)   = output electron temps.(K)
c  output: (r*8)  upsa(i)  = output upsilons
c  output: (r*8)  s        = line strength (dipole case) otherwise zero

c          (i*4)  iibts  = 0  bad point option off            
c                        = 1  bad point option on            
c          (i*4)  iifpt  = 1  select one point optimising          
c                        = 2  select two point optimising       
c          (i*4)  iixop  = 0  optimising off           
c                        = 1  optimising on  (if allowed)      
c          (i*4)  iidif  = 0  ratio fitting for dipole x-sect
c                            (only with optimising)
c                        = 1  difference fitting for dipole x-sect   
c  routines:
c          routine    source    brief description
c          -------------------------------------------------------------
c          egasm      adas      
c          h4sort     adas     sorts a vector pair by the first vector     
c          h4ftsp     adas     evaluate from a spline interpolant      
c          h4gspc     adas     generate spline precursors      
c          h4lnft     adas     perform linear interpolation    
c          h4fasy     adas     evaluate  from spline. of specified asympts. 
c          h4gasy     adas     create  specified asympts. for spline 
c          h4form     adas     form for spline independent variable      
c          h4spl3     adas     calculate spline of various end conditions      
c          eei        adas     evaluates exp(x)*E1(x)           
c          ee2        adas     evaluates exp(x)E2(x)           
c          i4unit     adas     fetch unit number for output of messages
c  author:  h. p. summers, university of strathclyde
c           ja7.08
c           tel. 0141-548-4196
c  date:   19/07/02 
c  update:  
      INTEGER             IXTYP,       NT,          NX
      REAL*8              ACOEFF,      EI,          EJ
      REAL*8              OMGA(NX),    S,           TEA(NT)
      REAL*8              UPSA(NT),    WI,          WJ,          XA(NX)
      REAL*8              Z,           Z0,          ZEFF
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