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ADAS Subroutine xxdata_40

       subroutine xxdata_40( iunit  , dsname  ,
     &                       nstore , ndpix   , ntdim  , nddim  ,
     &                       ndptnl , ndptn   , ndptnc , ndcnct ,
     &                       ndstack, ndcmt   ,
     &                       iz0    , is      , is1    , esym   ,
     &                       nptnl  , nptn    , nptnc  ,   
     &                       iptnla , iptna   , iptnca , 
     &                       ncnct  , icnctv  ,
     &                       ncptn_stack      , cptn_stack      ,       
     &                       lres   , lptn    , lcmt   , lsup   ,
     &                       nbsel  , isela   ,
     &                       npixa  , cfile   , ctype  , cindm  ,
     &                       ispbr  , isppr   , isstgr , ilzr   , ihzr ,
     &                       wvmina , wvmaxa  ,
     &                       ita    , ida     ,
     &                       teta   , teda    ,
     &                       fpec   , fpec_max,
     &                       ncmt_stack       , cmt_stack             
     &                     )
c  ***************** fortran77 subroutine: xxdata_40 *******************
c  purpose:  To fetch  data  from  an input feature photon emissivity 
c            file for a given emitting element superstage .
c  calling programs: adas416/dxdata_40
c  data:    Up to 'nstore' sets (data-blocks) of data may be  read from
c           the file - each block forming a complete feature photon 
c           emissivity coefft. for given temp/density grid and wave-. 
c           length range.  Each data-block  is  analysed independently 
c           of any  other datablock.
c           the units used in the data file are taken as follows:
c           temperatures : ev
c           densities    : cm-3
c           pec          : phot. cm3 s-1 pixel-1
c  subroutine:
c  input : (i*4)  iunit    = unit to which input file is allocated.
c          (i*4)  dsname   = name of opened data set on iunit
c          (i*4)  nstore   = maximum number  of  input data-blocks  that
c                            can be stored.
c          (i*4)  npix    = maximum number  of  pixels in a data-blocks 
c                            that can be stored.
c          (i*4)  ntdim    = max number of electron temperatures allowed
c          (i*4)  nddim    = max number of electron densities    allowed
c          (i*4)  ndptnl   = maximum level of partitions
c          (i*4)  ndptn    = maximum no. of partitions in one level
c          (i*4)  ndptnc   = maximum no. of components in a partition
c          (i*4)  ndcnct   = maximum number of elements in connection
c          (i*4)  ndstack  = maximum number of partition text lines
c          (i*4)  ndcmt    = maximum number of comment text lines
c                             vector  
c output:  (i*4)  iz0      = read - emitting ion - nuclear charge
c          (i*4)  is       = read - emitting ion - charge
c                            (generalised to superstage label) 
c          (i*4)  is1      = read - emitting ion - charge + 1
c                            (generalised to superstage index= is + 1) 
c          (c*2)  esym     = read - emitting ion - element symbol
c          (i*4)  nptnl    = number of partition levels in block 
c          (i*4)  nptn()   = number of partitions in partition level
c                            1st dim: partition level 
c          (i*4)  nptnc(,) = number of components in partition
c                            1st dim: partition level 
c                            2nd dim: member partition in partition level 
c          (i*4)  iptnla() = partition level label (0=resolved root,1=
c                                                     unresolved root)
c                            1st dim: partition level index 
c          (i*4)  iptna(,) = partition member label (labelling starts at 0)
c                            1st dim: partition level index 
c                            2nd dim: member partition index in partition 
c                            level 
c          (i*4)  iptnca(,,)= component label (labelling starts at 0)
c                            1st dim: partition level index 
c                            2nd dim: member partition index in partition 
c                            level
c                            3rd dim: component index of member partition 
c          (i*4)  ncnct     = number of elements in connection vector 
c          (i*4)  icnctv()  = connection vector of number of partitions 
c                             of each superstage in resolved case
c                             including the bare nucleus
c                             1st dim: connection vector index
c          (i*4)  ncptn_stack = number of text lines in partition block 
c          (c*80) cptn_stack()= text lines in partition block
c                               1st dim: text line index (1->ncptn_stack)
c          (l*4)  lres      = .true.  => partial file
c                           = .false. => not partial file
c          (l*4)  lptn      = .true.  => partition block present
c                           = .false. => partition block not present
c          (l*4)  lcmt      = .true.  => comment text block present
c                           = .false. => comment text block not present
c          (l*4)  lsup      = .true.  => ss use of filmem field 
c                           = .false. => old use of filmem field
c          (i*4)  nbsel     = number of data-blocks accepted & read in.
c          (i*4)  isela()   = read - data-set data-block entry indices
c                            dimension: data-block index
c          (i*4)  npixa()   = number of pixels for data block
c                            1st dim: data-block index
c          (c*8)  cfile()  = specific ion file source string in older
c                            forms.  Field not present in superstage
c                            version, but reused for added information
c                            1st dim: data-block index
c          (c*8)  ctype()  = data type string
c                            1st dim: data-block index
c          (c*2)  cindm()  = metastable index string
c                            1st dim: data-block index
c          (i*4)  isppr()   = parent index for each feature block 
c                             1st dim: index of block in adf40 file
c          (i*4)  ispbr()   = base index for each feature block 
c                             1st dim: index of block in adf40 file
c          (i*4)  isstgr()  = s1 for each resolved data block
c                             1st dim: index of block in adf40 file
c          (i*4)  ilzr()    = lowest ion charge relating to feature
c                             1st dim: index of block in adf40 file
c          (i*4)  ihzr()    = highest ion charge relating to feature
c                             1st dim: index of block in adf40 file
c          (r*8)  wvmina()  = lowest wavelength of feature block
c                             dimension: data-block index
c          (r*8)  wvmaxa()  = highest wavelength of feature block
c                             dimension: data-block index
c          (i*4)  ita()     = number of electron temperatures
c                             dimension: data-block index
c          (i*4)  ida()     = read - number of electron densities
c                             1st dim: data-block index
c          (r*8)  teta(,)   =  electron temperatures (units: ev)
c                             1st dim: electron temperature index
c                             2nd dim: data-block index
c          (r*8)  teda(,)   = electron densities (units: cm-3)
c                             1st dim: electron density index
c                             2nd dim: data-block index
c          (r*8)  fpec(,,,) = feature photon emissivity coeffts
c                             1st dim: pixel index
c                             2nd dim: electron temperature index
c                             3rd dim: electron density index
c                             4th dim: data-block index
c          (r*8)  fpec_max()= feature photon emissivity coefft. power 
c                             integral maximum (over wavelength interval)
c                             as a function of Te at first Ne value
c                             1st dim: data-block index
c          (i*4)  ncmt_stack = number of text lines in comment block 
c          (c*80) cmt_stack()= text lines in comment block
c                               1st dim: text line index (1->ncmt_stack)
c routine: (i*4)  i4eiz0   = function - (see routines section below)
c          (i*4)  i4fctn   = function - (see routines section below)
c          (i*4)  i4unit   = function - (see routines section below)
c          (i*4)  iblk     = array index: data-block index
c          (i*4)  itt      = array index: electron temperature index
c          (i*4)  itd      = array index: electron density     index
c          (i*4)  ntnum    = number of electron temperatures for current
c                            data-block
c          (i*4)  ndnum    = number of electron densities    for current
c                            data-block
c          (i*4)  iabt     = return code from 'i4fctn'
c          (i*4)  ipos1    = general use string index variable
c          (i*4)  ipos2    = general use string index variable
c          (l*4)  lbend    = identifies whether the last of the  input
c                            data sub-blocks has been located.
c                            (.true. => end of sub-blocks reached)
c          (c*1)  cslash   = '/' - delimiter for 'xxhkey'
c          (c*2)  c2       = general use two byte character string
c          (c*5)  ionnam   = emitting ion read from dataset
c          (c*6)  ckey1    = 'filmem' - input block header key
c          (c*4)  ckey2    = 'type  ' - input block header key
c          (c*4)  ckey3    = 'indm  ' - input block header key
c          (c*4)  ckey4    = 'isel  ' - input block header key
c          (c*80) c80      = general use 80 byte  character  string  for
c                            the input of data-set records.
c routines:
c          routine    source    brief description
c          ------------------------------------------------------------
c          i4eiz0     adas      returns z0 for given element symbol
c          i4fctn     adas      convert character string to integer
c          i4unit     adas      fetch unit number for output of messages
c          r8fctn     adas      convert string to real number
c          xxmkrp     adas      make up root partition text lines 
c          xxcase     adas      convert a string to upper or lower case 
c          xxhkey     adas      obtain key/response strings from text
c          xxrptn     adas      analyse an adf11 file partition block 
c          xxword     adas      extract position of number in buffer
c          xxslen     adas      find string less front and tail blanks
c author:  h. p. summers, university of strathclyde
c          ja7.08
c          tel. 0141-548-4196
c date:    13/06/06
c version  : 1.1                          
c date     : 25-11-2004
c modified : martin o'mullane
c              - first version
c version  : 1.2                          
c date     : 29-11-2004
c modified : martin o'mullane
c              - faulty 1001 format statement.
c version  : 1.3
c date     : 15-05-2006
c modified : Hugh Summers
c              - complete rewrite for  operation with superstages and 
c                partitions, made similar to xxdata_15.for .
c version  : 1.4
c date     : 06-11-2006
c modified : Allan Whiteford
c              - correction of indexing npixa by ipx rather than iblk.
c version  : 1.5
c date     : 15-01-2007
c modified : Hugh Summers
c              - corrected metastable count for Ne+0.
      CHARACTER*80        DSNAME
      CHARACTER*2         ESYM
      INTEGER             ICNCTV(NDCNCT),           IDA(NSTORE)
      INTEGER             IHZR(NSTORE),             ILZR(NSTORE)
      INTEGER             IPTNLA(NDPTNL),           IS,          IS1
      INTEGER             ISELA(NSTORE),            ISPBR(NSTORE)
      INTEGER             ISPPR(NSTORE),            ISSTGR(NSTORE)
      INTEGER             ITA(NSTORE), IUNIT,       IZ0,         NBSEL
      INTEGER             NDCNCT,      NDDIM,       NDPIX,       NDPTN
      INTEGER             NDPTNC,      NDPTNL,      NDSTACK
      INTEGER             NPIXA(NSTORE),            NPTN(NDPTNL)
      INTEGER             NPTNC(NDPTNL,NDPTN),      NPTNL,       NSTORE
      INTEGER             NTDIM
      LOGICAL             LCMT,        LPTN,        LRES,        LSUP
      REAL*8              FPEC_MAX(NSTORE),         TEDA(NDDIM,NSTORE)
      REAL*8              TETA(NTDIM,NSTORE),       WVMAXA(NSTORE)
      REAL*8              WVMINA(NSTORE)
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