ADAS Subroutine xxmkrc
subroutine xxmkrc( ndcnct , & iz0 , iptnl , & ncnct , icnctv & ) c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c c ****************** fortran77 subroutine: xxmkrc ********************* c c purpose: to create the root connection vector for an element c c calling program: various c c c subroutine: c c input : (i*4) ndcnct = maximum number of elements in c connection vector c input : (i*4) iz0 = nuclear charge c input : (i*4) iptnl = root partition level (0 or 1) c c c output: (i*4) ncnct = number of elements in connection vector c output: (i*4) cnctv() = values of elements of connection vector c c routines: c routine source brief description c ------------------------------------------------------------- c i4unit adas fetch unit number for output of messages c c author: h. p. summers, university of strathclyde c ja7.08 c tel. 0141-548-4196 c c date: 26/05/06 c c version: 1.1 date: 26/05/2006 c modified: Hugh P Summers c - first edition. c c version: 1.2 date: 17/01/2007 c modified: Hugh P Summers c - corrected metastable count for Ne+0. c c----------------------------------------------------------------------- c----------------------------------------------------------------------- INTEGER ICNCTV(NDCNCT), IPTNL, IZ0 INTEGER NCNCT, NDCNCT