2012 ADAS-EU Training Course at Consorzio RFX: 26–30 March 2012
Twelve people attended the course from fusion laboratories across the world.

The agenda for the 5 day course.
- Introduction to ADAS
- Interactive ADAS
- Excited population modelling
- Embedding ADAS in other codes
- Ionization state
- Impurity transport
- Charge exchange spectroscopy
- Developments in CX data
- Beam models in ADAS
- Stark state advanced models
- Argon experiments and approach to analysis
- State of CX analysis tools
- Advanced population models
- Fundamental data production in ADAS
- Hydrogen molecular modelling
- ADAS-EU achievements
- EU fostering of collaborative research
- Overview
- Excited population models
- Ionization state
- Charge exchange spectroscopy
- Beam stopping and emission
- Exercises