Euroatom FP7

Beam Stopping and Beam Emission Spectroscopy

The neutral beam emission support by ADAS-EU will reflect a return to direct diagnostic interpretation of beam emission intensities, that is, the motional Stark multiplets of hydrogen isotope beams. A lithium beam emission edge diagnostic with its accompanying atomic databases will also be consolidated and supported. The heavier species extension of the first and second theme will be followed in this theme too, in the context of beam stopping and beam excitation. The work packages will support and ensure a consistent integrated picture of high resolution beam emission and beam stopping. Special studies of directional collisions in the Stark manifold picture will target and enhance precision.

Workpackage WP10: Lithium beam diagnostic

The low energy lithium beam is an established diagnostic for edge plasma density. For long term maintenance and support of the diagnostic for fusion laboratories in Europe, and with the support of the originating TUW Vienna/IPP- Garching developers, the analysis code and its database will be transferred to ADAS. Embedding of these capabilities in the experimental programmes at Euratom Associated Laboratories. Such embedding is a central objective of the ADAS-EU proposals and the preparations for ITER.

Workpackage WP11: Stark manifold and projection merging

Hydrogen beam emission and MSE preparations for ITER will require increased use of full intensity picture of the resolved Balmer Stark multiplet and the replacement of calculated beam stopping with measurement of the beam emission for the deduction of localised neutral hydrogen beam density and deposition profiles. An enhanced support population model will be enabled which delivers a self-consistent Stark special feature (relativistic structure and cascade corrected) and beam stopping coefficients (enhanced field ionisation description) using the ADAS projection techniques.

Workpackage WP12: Beam emission/stopping consistency

General purpose integrated models along a beam path will be provided to support beam emission/ beam stopping experimental consistency checks for both positive and negative ion beam sources. Embedding of these capabilities in the experimental programmes at Euratom Associated Laboratories. Such embedding is a central objective of the ADAS-EU proposals and the preparations for ITER.

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