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ADAS Workshop 2008

This years ADAS workshop will be hosted by the Institute for Energy Research - Plasma Physics of the Forschungszentrum Jülich in Germany from 29 Sept to 2 Oct 2008.

The venue is (Travel and location details)

Picture of Technologiezentrun Juelich

Technologiezentrum Jülich GmbH
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str. 13
52428 Jülich

We are very pleased that our workshop will be held in conjunction with the valedictory retirement colloquium for Albrecht Pospieszczyk whose many contributions to fusion spectroscopy have helped to define the field.

Monday 29-Sep (afternoon at FZJ) : Albrecht Pospieszczyk colloquium.
Tuesday 30-Sep : ADAS workshop - day 1.
Wednesday 1-Oct : ADAS workshop - day 2.
Thursday 2-Oct (morning) : Informal discussions and TEXTOR tour.

A tentative agenda and information have been sent out; a revised agenda and a list of participant are here:

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